
Showing posts from April, 2024

Seriously Seeking Something

Christian Community Presbyterian Church  Bowie, Maryland  April 28, 2024  Seriously Seeking Something Acts 8:26-40 [Video may be viewed at ] A fter briefly flirting with church attendance, one television sitcom character chalked up her experience as generally beneficial because “I finally learned what that guy in the end zone is talking about when he holds up the big sign that says ‘John 3:16’!            Long-time churchgoers know what ‘John 3:16’ is about. We are accustomed to religious words and symbols. It’s our operating system, to use a computer term. That’s why we are shocked to find out that church affiliation in the United States is approaching less than half the population. There are more people who have no clue what the end zone sign means than those who do. Some scholars of religion and society call our culture ‘post-Christian.’ Others call it ‘pre-Christian’ because our world is like the world of Peter, Paul, and the other apostles. The word “